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Barbara Ebel

Transforming Disability Into Strength & Credible Medical Fiction – Dr. Barbara Ebel

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] “Once being disabled, there wasn’t a lot of information on what to do after you can’t practice what you loved and trained for. What else is there to do? I found a big void there." Dr.…

Mimi Guarneri

Mimi Guarneri MD | Creating Healthcare Not Sick Care

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Like many physicians and healthcare providers, I was trained to treat disease after it occurs. I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life re-training myself and others to think differently about the creation of…

Qaali Hussein

Breaking All The Stereotypes: Super Mom and Trauma Surgeon | Dr. Qaali Hussein

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Don't let anybody define your limitations. You define what limits you. When you hear the words Muslim, female, and mother of six, the image of a trauma surgeon probably is not the first thing that comes…

Finding Inner Truth and Being Present | Multispecialist and Humanism in Medicine Award Winner: Dr. Gus W. Krucke

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Always seek excellence. Always seek truth. Always live your truth. Have integrity. Work hard. And have some fun. Welcome back, Happy Doc family! This week, we have the honor to present Dr. Gus W. Krucke, MD. Dr.…


Making a Big Impact – Dr. David Draghinas from the Doctors Unbound Podcast

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] So if I can impress upon you one thing it's to take action, even if it's a small step. Get a small win and take action towards something... What I would like to encourage physicians to…

Buddhism, Psychiatry, and Pediatric Palliative Care – Dr. David Buxton

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] "After a multitude of discussions with family and friends, I realized that each one of us has our own unique view of death depending on our culture, religion, profession, etc. Death can be seen as a…

Alex Iacono

Med School Reflections & Advice with MS3 Alex Iacono

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"]"No matter how depressed or anxious I'm feeling, being able to talk about it with someone, doing something, and being out with people, helps so much..." Introduction Hello, again, Happy Doc Family! As some of you may…

Kristina Dakis

Test Anxiety & Reclaiming Your Passion | Dr. Kristina Dakis MD

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"] If you're not taking care of yourself, how can anybody expect you to take care of other people?...Medicine is more than just a job, it's a calling. Introduction Hey there Happy Doc family! We are…

Taylor Brana

What I’ve Learned from Intern Year (so far) – Dr. Taylor Brana

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Hey everyone, this is Taylor Brana, the founder of The Happy Doc! I wanted to do a little reflection piece this week, after finishing my first month of intern year in the Emergency department, and starting…

Nathalie Martinek

Reviving the Mojo of Medicine | Dr. Nathalie Martinek

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"]And then one day I shook my fist to the heavens and demanded my life. This isn't my life, I'm not going to live like this anymore, I demand my life. And then within 24 hours my whole…

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