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Qaali Hussein

Breaking All The Stereotypes: Super Mom and Trauma Surgeon | Dr. Qaali Hussein

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Don't let anybody define your limitations. You define what limits you. When you hear the words Muslim, female, and mother of six, the image of a trauma surgeon probably is not the first thing that comes…

Curbside with Dr. D: Finding Your Person

December 16 2017 by Neel Desai, M.D. "True tragic. The proper composition of your support team is not “colleagues and family." It is “friends, colleagues and family.”  Honest friendships can save your life and isolation can snatch it away."  …

How Do I Help Someone Make Change?

November 21 2017 by Neel Desai, M.D.    It’s been almost a year since we launched The Happy Doc, and something keeps coming up in the back of my mind. It involves how I interact with colleagues, patients, friends, family,…

Alex Iacono

Med School Reflections & Advice with MS3 Alex Iacono

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"]"No matter how depressed or anxious I'm feeling, being able to talk about it with someone, doing something, and being out with people, helps so much..." Introduction Hello, again, Happy Doc Family! As some of you may…

Taylor Brana

What I’ve Learned from Intern Year (so far) – Dr. Taylor Brana

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Hey everyone, this is Taylor Brana, the founder of The Happy Doc! I wanted to do a little reflection piece this week, after finishing my first month of intern year in the Emergency department, and starting…

Nathalie Martinek

Reviving the Mojo of Medicine | Dr. Nathalie Martinek

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"]And then one day I shook my fist to the heavens and demanded my life. This isn't my life, I'm not going to live like this anymore, I demand my life. And then within 24 hours my whole…

Venu And Vinay

The Evolution of Healthcare | Dr. Venu and Vinay Julapalli

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"] Health[care] 3.0 is unique, that's the key word. And by 'unique', I don't mean separate...The difference between uniqueness and separateness is, separateness doesn't fit itself into a puzzle, it doesn't fit in itself into the whole. Uniqueness…

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