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Dara Kass

It’s Time to Transition From Servitude to Investment Mindset – Dara Kass MD

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] The epidemic of residents, specifically women residents, not thinking they have options has to end. That will end with: increased conversation, increased connectedness, paying attention to one another, reminding [each other] we have options, understanding this…

Mimi Guarneri

Mimi Guarneri MD | Creating Healthcare Not Sick Care

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Like many physicians and healthcare providers, I was trained to treat disease after it occurs. I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life re-training myself and others to think differently about the creation of…

Explore The Space

Explore The Space of Medical Culture | Mark Shapiro MD

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] There is a gulf between healthcare and our communities, this is the place to talk about it. We are digging into healthcare issues that matter most. Our conversations mine these issues for perspective and answers -…

Help Create Medicine’s First Musical | Michael Ehrenreich, MD, FAAD

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] We are a profession that comes out with a lot of skills, but are very unsure of how the world works. You have to educate yourself. Creativity in medicine takes a giant leap forward with this…

Top Podcasts for Medical Students in 2018

by Neel Desai, M.D. Something struck me while listening to Taylor interview our latest podcast guest, Peter Rezkalla, a 3rd year medical student. Peter was asked the question why there weren’t quick audio clips/summaries of research studies to help medical…

Peter Rezkalla

YouTube and Medical School | Creative Performer Peter Rezkalla, MS3

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Be a person of principle in your place of power. We all ought to challenge ourselves daily, support one another, and heal - because we all have the power to do so. Peter Rezkalla is a…


Making a Big Impact – Dr. David Draghinas from the Doctors Unbound Podcast

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] So if I can impress upon you one thing it's to take action, even if it's a small step. Get a small win and take action towards something... What I would like to encourage physicians to…

Taylor Brana

What I’ve Learned from Intern Year (so far) – Dr. Taylor Brana

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Hey everyone, this is Taylor Brana, the founder of The Happy Doc! I wanted to do a little reflection piece this week, after finishing my first month of intern year in the Emergency department, and starting…

Nathalie Martinek

Reviving the Mojo of Medicine | Dr. Nathalie Martinek

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"]And then one day I shook my fist to the heavens and demanded my life. This isn't my life, I'm not going to live like this anymore, I demand my life. And then within 24 hours my whole…

Neel Desai

Reconnection and the Ten “C”s of Medicine | Dr. Neel Desai

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] You take healthcare back by giving physicians the ability to be innovative and creative... that's how you hack the system from inside Introduction This week it is truly a pleasure to introduce Neel Desai, Family physician,…

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