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Curbside with Dr. D: Finding Your Person

December 16 2017 by Neel Desai, M.D. "True tragic. The proper composition of your support team is not “colleagues and family." It is “friends, colleagues and family.”  Honest friendships can save your life and isolation can snatch it away."  …

Venu And Vinay

The Evolution of Healthcare | Dr. Venu and Vinay Julapalli

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450" placement="top"] Health[care] 3.0 is unique, that's the key word. And by 'unique', I don't mean separate...The difference between uniqueness and separateness is, separateness doesn't fit itself into a puzzle, it doesn't fit in itself into the whole. Uniqueness…

Programming and Medicine – Dr. Mark Leeds

[podcast src="" height="90" width="450"] Mark Leeds is a practicing Family physician in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He owns his own micropractice and currently does addiction medicine. Mark has a strong background in technology, programming, and marketing. This conversation explores Mark's journey in medicine, his…

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